Saturday, January 18, 2020

the reforms, PH leaders

PH leaders
Where are the hard hitting speeches?
Once they were on the streets
Shouting loud and clear for all to hear

Now when the people voted them in
They formed the government and soft voices
And let the Old Man sings his way
No leaders in PH want to stop him

The time of angry tigers
Challenging Bee Anne and men in blue
Now these tigers become pussy cats
Only wake up during the heating season

The manifesto must see the light of day
PH leaders must walk the talk in the pages
The people will hold them to the tasks
They can't give excuses and run

The Old Man seems the stumbling block
But the PH leaders allowing themselves to be weak
Once they were the angry tigers fighting tooth and nail
Now they have the power but they become the pussy cats

Come on PH leaders
Call for the meeting of PH Presidential Council
The Old Man said it but what you guys doing?
Call the meeting fix a date Dr Mahathir has to retire

Fix it on 9 May 2020
Before the Old Man causing more headaches
He has stayed his welcome
Bersatu by elections told him so

Reforms must arrive
But it isn't happening quickly
Bersih may organize a street demonstration
It doesn't sound good, PH leaders

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