Sunday, January 19, 2020

the people with stage 4 cancer

The people with stage 4 cancer
The specialists will ask them to go home
They may tell the immediate families
Pray is the only salvation needed

The specialists have no answer
When the cancer spreads to stage 4
They have profited with drugs and treatments
When the drugs can't work the doctors can't help

The people with stage 4 cancer
Cancer strives on sugar intake and fats
It will multiply quickly in the bodies
Leaving the poor souls weak and die

When the bodies are going down hill
Cancer will attack in stealth formation
Spreading at will to take over control
The specialist will ask them to go home and pray

But in the underground network of caring doctors
They have found a white powder to kill off cancer cells
It doesn't cause a hole in the pockets
It can last a couple of months

It is the sodium bicarbonate or baking soda
Mix it in a cup of water with a teaspoon of honey
Stir it well and drink in the morning and at night
Let the magic work its way to good health

Fasting moderately is a good way
Deny the cancer its nutrients
Eventually the cancer cells will die
Giving the body a chance to fight and recover

The stage 4 cancer people
Try it and see the results
They have nothing to lose
But this is a fighting chance to live

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