Sunday, January 19, 2020

the corrupted souls

The corrupted souls
Huge or big and small
It affects the layers in society
It can't be eradicated quickly

The roots planted deep
During the decades of Bee Anne rule
It isn't to sweep it away
Because many want it to stay!

Look at the zombie members
They are hungry to go to the till
Many are caught facing trials
Yet there are many still eagerly going in

Because the minds are in tuned
The easy wealth creation to be had
The top guns have their cakes
So the small guns want theirs too

PH leaders must go overdrive
But they are walking slow to bite
Pull by the Old Man these leaders forget
The manifesto must be unleashed as well!

The corruption is a disease
It mustn't be allowed to climb high
It will bring down the nation
The people will suffer and cry

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