Thursday, May 14, 2020

the anti-hopping law must be enacted

The nation will not progress
In terms of economic powerhouse
She will feel the low down slide
When leaders are low in the trust fund

When these leaders want to be elected
They will beg or plead or do what it takes
So as they can represent a constituency
So that they can feel the high in the steps

Once these leaders show lack of truthfulness
Once these leaders show lack of morality
Once these leaders show their greedy selves
They will not care for the voters or the nation

They are there for themselves
They want to profit from their positions
The voters will feel cheated and put aside
In the end who or law to catch them?

The Anti-hopping law must be enacted
Inserted in the clause in the Constitution
The voters needs and interests must be protected
The voters mustn't be cheated in the scheme

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