Wednesday, May 20, 2020

the corona virus disease

The corona virus disease
It will stay until there is found a vaccine
We shouldn't go out unnecessary
The air-borne virus will attack

We should avoid crowded places and malls
Even sitting in public transport we should stay aware
Put on the face masks to reduce the risk of infection
It isn't we don't trust the next person with us

We want to stop the virus from spreading
It isn't a happy ending to get stop by the virus
It has no eye or taste or preference at all
Anyone can get infected if we forget rules

Wash our hands with soap and water
Every time to stop the spread of the virus
Even we go out for the whole day
On our return wash our legs and soak our clothing

We need to bury the virus for good
Else the world we live will be closed borders
We can't travel at ease to any places
The economy will take a nose-dive

Daily we still hear the infection
It isn't going to stop yet
We have to take precautions
Don't go out unnecessary

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