Wednesday, May 20, 2020

when laws protect the corrupt

Will the nation fall?
When crooks can plea bargain
Without going to jail and walk free
Letting the good people angry!

The sweet heart deal for Riza
He doesn't return anything
It was under DOJ of USA
What did he bring to plea?

Now report highlights
AGC receive many plea bargains
The AG today doesn't say his piece
Some say he is on the other side

We can't let coup leaders stay
The sanity of members of Parliament
They should see the wrong indeed!
Stand out be counted to save the nation!

The sanity of Bersatu leaders
Search your souls and look in the mirrors
You want to burn in the lake of fire?
One person greed lost in many states

Will the nation fall?
The economy will go flat
Covid 19 will make her cry
The coup leaders rub salt into it

When laws protect the corrupt
We will have nothing to hold on
We have to make the changes
Before we even lose our dignity

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