Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Bersatu will be in history


The way of history

Bersatu will be right in

The small boy can't go high

Now he can talk big

The big cats just waiting

The knives are out branding in the open

The small boy better realizes it

Before it is too late to retreat

The big cats are consolidating

They find their second wind to blow

All because of the small boy

He walked through the back door

He said he hold the key

The big cats smile and walked in too

Letting him have his toys

The power he crazes for it

Now he realizes

He has been fooled

The power he has

But he is just a puppet

The big cats tell their way

The small boy can't ignore

He needs his toy of power

Only the big cats say it so

The big cats tell him

It isn't enough

He has to concede more

Now Bersatu worries every day

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