Friday, August 14, 2020

the young leaders should step on stage


The leaders who can't take the heat

They shouldn't stand on the stage

They will be a liability in the long term

They can't stand up to fight for equality

We have a few leaders who quit

These young leaders couldn't fight it

They were like the comets with fire initially

Towards the end of its tail it fell out of orbit

Some call for Rafizi and Nurul to step up gears

These leaders have softened and couldn't stomach more

One retired to concentrate on his business and young family

The other seems to hop along though still stays relevant

The leaders of the baby boomers fame

They have to take their bow in the 21st century

The time has come for them to push young leaders ahead

They can stay in the background as mentors or advisors

The young leaders of good values

They should step up to the stage

Know the game and its rules

Don't fall for the Satan's entrapment

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