Sunday, August 30, 2020

kick out the kleptocrats


The wolves and crocodiles

They will shout with joy

They score another victory

Though they know it isn't

Moo will smile

He thinks he has his chance

To stay on the powerful chair

Though it is through the back door

Pejuang hasn't started yet

It hasn't got its logo done

The party hasn't given the green light

So the Old Man shouldn't be written off

PH has to study the result

Learn it well before the next GE15

The kleptocracy mustn't be allowed to return

It has caused much damages to the nation and people

The Malays living in the hinterland

They need to wake up before it is too late

PKR and Amanah have to reach out to them

Starting now the result will be different

The road to victory

We did it before

We can do it again

Kick out the kleptocrats

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