Friday, August 14, 2020

let the crooks laugh


Let the crooks laugh

As loud as they want

Let them beat the gong

As loud as they need it

They forget to listen

The echo down the hall

If they pay attention to detail

They will know it will hit back

They may want their files dropped

They may put pressure to get it done

The crooks aren't going to stay quiet

They need to get off free

The way events are unfolding

The crooks aren't happy with it

They have threatened with their words

The back-room boys are bending ways

The crooks will realize soon

The power will be gone

Once the ground movement begins

It takes 3 to cause the fall

Don't blame the new party “Pejuang”

it is formed to lure the crooks' members over

It is also to seek the political revenge

On the back door leaders who played Brutus

Let the crooks laugh

The time will come soon

They may get themselves in cage

Walking out on parade!

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