Monday, August 24, 2020

these leaders didn't correct the mistakes


The nation fall to pieces

The racial harmony seems like a dream

Once we had that good racial feeling

Now where has it gone?

Where has it disappeared?

In 1969 the saddest year in history

The racial harmony was broken into pieces

The subsequent leaders didn't strike the balance

These leaders didn't correct the mistakes

They let one race playing the racial card

Leaving our nation a bad taste in history

We haven't got it back since

The nation fall to pieces

Today we have seen the racial tone

Singing higher in the sky of blue

They forget the other races

The nation isn't for a race

She has many colours fighting for her cause

She cries silently recording her history

Of one race their ancestors were immigrant too

The nation prays hard every day

Let sanity return to look after her

She embraces all races and religions

She wants to see the joy and smile back

The nation fall to pieces

We should learn from our saddest history in 1969

But political leaders have misplaced ideology

They think of their own pockets

We have to get back our faith

The nation belongs to all of us

Living in everyday of our lives

We can't let the nation fall to pieces

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