Thursday, January 14, 2021

a bad dream from the wuhan virus


Rocking Rona

A bad dream flowing

In our everyday living

Out from Wuhan

Now it reaches the world

The infection rate keeps rising

The mutation changes

The easy way to infect

Because many still don't listen

The advice from the doctors and experts

On how to stop the spread of the virus

It is the bad attitude causing more pain and tears

The many hosts on the move

Malls, beaches, malls and food courts

The SOP just throw out to the wind

As if challenging Rocking Rona to infect

So the chart of infection rises

It has choked up the hospitals

It has drained the front liners and doctors

Yet the politicians don't take it seriously

Now Rocking Rona spreads wide

With new mutations to catch many hosts

The clusters of infections have come

The vaccines in a hurry enriching big pharma

Maybe we should try natural remedy

Baking soda with honey to fight the virus

It can kill cancer cells why not Covid 19?

We have nothing to lose

Curcumin too can help

It can kill over 619 diseases and viruses

The natural remedy will help to kill off bad viruses

Again we have nothing to lose

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