Saturday, January 30, 2021

pkr's bad ninjas


Anwar and PKR

There are still remnants of Azzmin

Anwar must put his foot down

Seriously to get rid of the worms

He has to show his leadership skills

In his party to let the members toe the line

Every one must be on the same page

Else he will see himself as a failure

Look into the behaviour of MB of Selangor

He wants to degazette a forest reserve land

Though the State Assembly has vetoed it

Yet he still comes out with his arrogant statement

Anwar has to discipline MB of Selangor

If he can't stay on the line he has to be removed

He will cause damage to PKR with his arrogance

He doesn't listen to State Assembly and people

Bearing in mind he was part of Azzmin entourage

There is still the trust deficit associated with Azzmin

The MB of Selangor should follow orders

The ball rolls back to Anwar to fix the problem

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