Monday, January 18, 2021

karma will not be kind to the back door


The back door

Why don't they close shop and go?

That's the honest way to do

Why keep hanging out?

There is no reason to stay

The back door has lost its simple majority

The leader runs to His Majesty

Wanting his emergency proclamation

The reason isn't under the Constitution

It isn't on the mandated ones to declare

It is to protect his government from falling

By right he should have tendered his resignation

But no he hasn't done

He wants his emergency law

So he gets it to win his prize

Is it worth it for his honour?

Anwar will challenge it in court

He will win his case as it is every one rights

The emergency law doesn't flow in the Constitution

As such Anwar has his legal right to challenge it

The legal eagles have explained

There is no reason to declare emergency law

Moo isn't a gentleman

Karma will not be kind to him

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