Thursday, January 28, 2021

every time Anwar's name in a police report


Every time Anwar's name appear

Every time in a police report

He will be summoned by the police

As if he has committed a serious crime

Anwar is still casting a long shadow

On the police who may not want him to go

Even on the political arena his name is still vibrant

The cyber-troopers and paymasters want him neutered

Now even the previous King pardoned him

One dissatisfied lawyer wants to challenge it

The High Court will agree to hear the case

While nobody makes a police report on the lawyer

Why the police never want to question the lawyer?

Isn't the lawyer going against the wishes of a King?

Because it is on Anwar so it is justified to stay quiet?

The case should have thrown out but it never happens

Because it is on Anwar Ibrahim

He shouldn't be allowed to go free

He should be in prison

But the previous King didn't think so

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