Thursday, January 21, 2021

MOH can't cope now


Rocking Rona has won

Because MOH can't cope

The high rate of infection

Scoring up the daily chart

MOH should consult other professionals

Find solutions to the high dose of infection

Affecting the people and the nation's economy

It can't stay alone ignore others advice

The front liners and doctors

They are tired, worried and fear

Looking at the daily rate of infection

They will worry about themselves

Using emergency law

It isn't to cut down the virus

It is to prop up one man desires to stay

He should resign and let a new team take over

Why he still hangs there?

He has lost his majority

Be a gentleman and leave the stage

He should know his day is over

Don't wait for the vaccines

Deaths have been reported

The older people or those will history of illnesses

They shouldn't take the jabs

I suggest drink *baking soda with honey

Mix it in a cup of water and drink it daily

Before breakfast and dinner

You have nothing to lose battling with Covid 19

* one teaspoon of baking soda mix with one teaspoon of raw honey

mix together in a cup of water -warm or cold and drink it

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