Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Anwar and PKR


Anwar and PKR

Forget of looking for the numbers

Let it come by its own fate

What will be; it will be

Anwar should bring back his members

Stick to its core principles of change

The nation needs it and so are her people

He shouldn't dream of getting his numbers

He had tried before but he fell flat

Though it could be true but the last hurdle

The wolves didn't want to bite but jumped away

Leaving him holding his placards of change

Now there is a change of mind

The wolves may collaborate with PH

Fighting the common enemy of the back door

The wolves need to bite into its current coalition

With one howling loud and clear

The wolves can do the damage to the back door

Anwar just have to hold his horses in his stable

Let the wolves do the way they know best

Anwar and PKR

Get the gears ready

Believe in one mind

Battle in one spirit

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