Wednesday, March 31, 2021

the taste of multi-racial party will return


Moo and crocodiles

They will stay together

They can't leave each other out

They want to cement it through GE15

They think they can win

It will be their downfall

They don't want to see

Why they can't survive

They think a majority race like them

Most humans will look forward to the future

They will not seek to transform back to time

They had read it they aren't going there again

Moo and crocodiles are living

In a time which had gone for good

They shouldn't think they can live in it again

It isn't a race to dominate the landscape

The wolves will reinvent their wheels

The crocodiles have spoken their desires

The wolves should divorce from the crocodiles

There is no hope with their different tastes

Will they survive in GE15?

They will face each other in the polls

Gardening for the same plants and flowers

Forgetting about the wild imperata arundina hea and shrubs

PH will have the advantage

GE15 can be today or tomorrow

There is the chance to repeat it again

The taste of multi-racial group will return

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