Wednesday, March 24, 2021

walking by the back lanes


Walking by the back lanes

It may cut down on minutes

Maybe there will be less traffic

Many will try to get into motion

But crimes will happen

When there is less traffic involved

The criminals will strike unexpectedly

The safety by the back lanes aren't secured

Long ago walking in the city back lanes

There would be the drug addicts and beggars

These people may attack without provocation

Because hunger may cause them to behave irrationally

In UK a white man attacked a pregnant woman

As she walked to the back lane

The man was trailing her suddenly he ran

Took his pillow case and covered her head

In the struggle he punched her a few times

The pregnant woman managed to escape

It was captured in CCTV and the man could be seen

Now the UK police on the hunt for the man

In every day living

We must be on constant alert

Listening to sound of foot steps from behind

Always stay in the moment don't look on hand-phones

Walking by the back lanes

Be observant around the situation

Don't look at hand-phones

Stay in the moment

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