Tuesday, March 30, 2021

the police still waiting to call?


The ministers gone over the state boundary

The photographs told in a thousand words

Yet the police say they will call the organizer

It happened in March 14

Is the police still play calling?

The ministers aren't called to confirm

On the pictures they crossed the state boundary

It shows the police trying to delay

Undi 18 protest

The organizers are called in quickly

In a day or two to be questioned

Here the ministers aren't called in yet

The police should act fair and true

They shouldn't play politics

Nobody is above the law

Once he has broken he has to be charged

Then let the court decide

A person walks out free or fine

The police should act without fear or favour

Nobody is above the law

But in the back door

The ministers are given special treatment

The police will drag to call them

They will hope the public will forget

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