Monday, March 29, 2021

don't talk in hot air


Don't talk in hot air

It will turn into vapour

There will be nothing

But words of nothingness

The wolves are drumming hot

Dreaming up the past once again

Once they were the dominant force

Now look at them today

The minister's cluster

Still hoping they can stay

Still undecided what to do

Waiting for direction to go

They should know the answer

Cut all ties and stay loyal

But power corrupts the minds

The power flow they can't forget

Ku Li asks them to resign immediately

To tell all and sundry the wolves aren't afraid

They can pound the terrain again

Welcome the challenge if they have to win

But will the wolves go to it?

They all crazy of power, wealth and positions

They may just show their white fangs

That's about all they may do

Don't talk in hot air

Make it through the round

Else who will be afraid of the wolves?

Moo will smile quietly after all

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