Monday, January 17, 2022

is it GE15 this year?


The crocodiles bite

Each other tail to score points

Whatever they will say

It is only for their own

The leaders will bark

Each other in the public domain

Harping on their kind of religion

Pushing others to the side

They have the numbers

The wolves will need it badly

The wolves dare not bite

They want to be in control

PH has to prepare

The next GE will come calling

The grapevine says after CNY

The wolves will want it done

But the turtle brain

He doesn't want to be a short stint pm

He needs to stay longer

But will he ignore his president order?

The crocodiles will not want a GE now

They want to enjoy the bite of power and prestige

So they too want a longer time in government

But the grapevine says it will be this year

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