Wednesday, January 26, 2022

the big C


The big C

Nobody wants to get in

It will cause damages to the body

The immune soldiers will fight

Pouring all the efforts to kill it

But leaving the door wide open

For other viruses to go free in

Big pharma milks in billions

It's the business model to rake it in

It has no intention to find cure

The drugs it sells will not really fight

The early stages can have hope

The final stages nothing in drugs will help

What most oncologists will suggest

Go home enjoy the last few months of life

Eat whatever a person crazes about

Wait for the time to finally done

Because they have no answer

As Big pharma drugs have failed

The doctors should clean up the toxins

The parasites brewing in the body

It causes irritation inside the system

It raises up the inflammation

As a result infection will occur

The big C can be cured

Taking baking soda with raw honey

Drinking turmeric water will push it out

Cancer cells hiding in the hidden spaces

Look for the natural methods

Giving the body the boost of energy

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