Tuesday, January 11, 2022

the story of Macc head


The way down

The tales begin to rise

Who's at fault?

Moo evaded it

The story of Macc head

The tale of conflict of interest

On shares trading in his account

Though he said it isn't wrong

His brother used his trading shares account

To do his trading on shares as he was fully aware

He should come clean with it but he opens up more issues

Now police investigated the issue

The police pass the buck to SC

Because under its law it is an offence

There was a case happening before

The husband and wife team were found guilty

In this account the Macc head should step down

Let a full independent committee to investigate

The current board chairman has no authority to clear him

Because it isn't under his authority

The turtle brain dares not take action

He lets other agencies to tackle it

He should take pro-active measurements

But he keeps pushing it away in his mind

The Macc head

He should take the gentleman's exit

Let an independent committee to investigate

Let them clear his name and the organization

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