Saturday, July 09, 2022

covid 19 rises again


Covid 19 rises again

It stays low for weeks

Now a sub virus comes along

Quick to infect but isn't serious

Most who get it

It tells of flu like symptoms

A proper rest and vitamins

The recovery will be within days

MOH why waste time to study?

There are statistics and write up in the world

Be proactive and carry on the tasks

The virus has landed months ago

Take Vitamin D3 or bathe in the sun a few minutes

Or take turmeric to boost the immune system

It is a remedy to fight the viruses coming at us

It is predicted it will end by next year

MOH no need to study but take action

Stop the border crossing stop jamming in the malls

All close up areas or entertainment outlets should be restricted

Because Covid 19 will start to laugh at us

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