Saturday, July 16, 2022

the darkness of double standards


The darkness of double standards

The old ways for all to see and hear

The comedians are quickly arrested

Brought them to court to judge or remand

But a certain important man of the wolf party

The police don't go after him as yet

Though he spoke something bad about kavadi

A police report lodged that's about we heard

There is no quick action by the police

Nothing of the sort happening to pursue the order

Causing ill will to the public as the police like to say

But the police will say something different

Because this man is of a different class to the comedians

The police credibility is already low in perception

The way the officers run the show

It's high time to start overhaul the police force

Maybe privatize it and answerable to Parliament

PSC can grill the police officers of playing double standards

The only way to happen is to put out the wolf party for good

Let the wolves stay in the forest and howl in the moonlit nights

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