Monday, July 11, 2022

the scarecrow can't move


The promises need to be honoured

In the good vibrations circumstances

Now the economy needs to jump start

Jostling for posts should be put aside

The scarecrow is a worried man

Standing alone in the hot sun

Looking side to side he can't see the back

Afraid to get back-stabbed

His party chief wants him to call for GE

He is reluctant to perform his order

Because he knows he will not win

He rather stays on as long as he can

Around the corner he has Moo

His former boss who wants him to honour

The promises they made appointed him as pm

But he can't shift his legs because of his party elders

So the scarecrow plays along

Finding ways to delay as long as he can

He doesn't know about economy

He only knows about Lowyat 2

The promises of posts

The scarecrow will let it stay dormant

Finding ways to delay as long as he can

He has no choice but to pretend

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