Monday, September 04, 2006

dont make a woman mad

Dont make a woman mad! I better keep my distance. When I find a woman raging mad, I must run. It is better to avoid her for a moment and let temper cools down first. But it is the anger in her mind I have to watch out. Nobody knows what her mind will do.A jealous wife severed off her husband's penis while he was sleeping. She claimed her husband had a second wife but the man denied. Luckily for the man, the doctors managed to surgerically stitched it back. Now he is hiding in his room and he doesnt want to meet anybody.His wife is sent to jail for causing his physical injury.It reminds me of John Bobbit - the first husband got his penis cut off by his wife. He managed to get it stitched back and to proof to his wife that his penis is functioning good as usual, he acted in blue movies where it was reported he enjoyed a good publicity coverage and he earned a lot of money.He divorced his wife of course.I think a wife or girlfriend shouldnt act irrationally in an argument. A cool mind must prevail to arrest the untoward incident and regret it later. I always advice people to walk away when the argument turns too steam up. Take a break. Then come back to look at a different angle which most of times it helps to settle the argument. A rush decision will make it undecisive in pursuing a want or a need or worst still it may lend one in jail.....I rather bow out and enjoy my freedom than living in the confined area

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