Sunday, September 03, 2006

what's up Malaysia 5?

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AAB will apologize if he is wrong on Scomi controlled by his son when he defended his family in television. To me as a PM and Finance Minister he should be aware of his immediate family's business. After all his son didnt start Scomi when he becomes PM. So he is trying to avoid the sticky position he is in. I believe he will apologise not so soon. Maybe in the next election. He is a savvy politician; he knows what he says.He is trying to buy time to explain of his son's business.He shouldnt keep quiet for so long and then came out with a statement to say he would apologise if he is wrong. I feel he has made a few blunders in his administration. He should reign with full confidence in his skills. He should take immediate steps to rectify or reprimand any one in his administration who is out of line. I guess he wants to please his them time to correct the public views..

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