Saturday, September 02, 2006

women the best gift god gives to men

Women works should be at home. So I read in a report published in UK magazine. Woman has many roles to play. Now you can't put her at home all the times, can we? No. She has to decide which area(s) she wants to specialise. If one practises multi-tasking jobs, one can't satisfy everybody. Somebody will feel neglect. In so doing compromise and coordination need to be managed between boyfriends and husbands or lovers. In this borderless boundary no restriction can ever work. Women of today are well educated and skilled in their job functions that the men have to double up to stay in contention. Men were the aggressors. Now they should compromise with the women. They can't stay away from housework or children. They have to share in the housework to balance their careers as working parents. Two days ago I saw in TV about Everybody loves Raymond and in this eposide Raymond wanted to watch his TV whereas his wife wanted to vacuum the living room in anticipating of their guests. Raymond refused to bulge and eventually argued and fought till in the bedroom. I stopped here. Just changed the scene. Raymond went to help his wife to vacuum and he could share his TV programme with his wife later. It brought them deeply together and earned credits for him... So I say a man should go out to woo the woman in every possible way. The greatness of man who is willing to go beneath himself.

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