Monday, May 18, 2009

AIDS kills

tragedy in south africa...aids has left a mark (South Africa) by Matt Wilkie
tragedy in south africa...aids has left a mark (South Africa) by Matt Wilkie

The shadow walks on the street
Looking for preys as the minute strikes
For it is the silent death amidst the traffic volume
Every 1 minute 6 new cases reported

The older ones wiser and restraint
Playing the field has its own worry
The shadow only smiles when you get it
Into the body it takes you away

It is the invasion of your body parts
Growing quietly until it is full blown
By then how many have you infected?
As the silence creeps into souls

Blood transfusion, sharing needles
Sexual partners many to score
Even kissing too will not spare
The silent shadow works its way

Now the young ones on the prowl
Sugar daddy and mommy boy
Infliction comes so quickly
There is no cure only death in your face

And the light will slowly dim
As the years carving out a death sentence
Into the body destroying by the invading virus
It is HIV singing its black magic
Tombstones for AIDS when it hits its peak

So don't go out and play
Know the rules learn safe sex
Don't let the evil gets into you
There is no cure a slow death sentence

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