Wednesday, May 27, 2009

the people will do

20081007-raja-petra-trial by my1001malaysia
raja-petra-trial by my1001malaysia

Interpol busy
RPK sunbathing
The PIG writes messages
The black knight can't sleep

The country crimes
The PIG doesn't crack it
He is too busy running errands
Leaving the back gates open

RPK circles around
In the web domain he spins
Tales of Albino, cronies and 3Ps
The peope read forming opinions

The crack-downs by police
Even for peaceful vigils
The black knight slogan
A whitewash a lie to behold
“1For Me Nothing for You”

So RPK runs
Not to say he is afraid to face the court
It is perception of kangaroo frogs
And the lopsided treatments

It is best he is out of the country
Rallying for a cause to help the nation
The truth will be known in time
As the digging holes widen every night

The people will do
In GE 13 it is
The country isn't belonging to politicians
It isnt belonging to the uniformed agencies
It belongs to the people!

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