Wednesday, May 20, 2009

nothing should stay static

Life can evolve anywhere.... by Arvi - the wanderer
Life can evolve anywhere.... by Arvi - the wanderer

Life changes
As one goes with time
Events and conditions
Economic spills
The renewing processes
It shifts with its needs
The journey and the pitfalls
It is life bitter sweet fall
Nothing should stay static
It has to evolve and move on
Even the beyond may blind
One has to get on with it
Even love
And life mixture of ingredients
It has to evolve to stay relevant
For the past is history
The present and future need to be written
It is alive and so it matters
It is always on a small step
Once it is taken the journey bounds
The whirring wind; the mystical melody
Young and old; blind and see
Time to rejoice time to go again!

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