Monday, July 05, 2010

the lost way 16

Dark-forest1.jpg Forest at Night image by onelaw2480

Forest at Night

The dark sky the darkness tell
On the drivers walking in single file
Dragging tired feet hoping to find a place
In the jungle they curse their lives

Listening to the waterfall
They walk quickly to find the source
Thirsty episode the hunger calls
In the darkness they still push on

The silence in the darkness
They tune their ears to listen
There is nothing to hear at all
They walk fear in their minds

“We better take a break
In the forsaken place”
“Are we in the jungle?
We seem to walk in circle!”

They look around
In the darkness they can't tell
They can feel the soft breezes
Whoring like unsatisfied women..

“Do you hear?
Women crying in the dark!”
Every body tenses up
Pitching ears to listen

It is only the wind
Brushing leaves and branches
Whirring softly capturing imagination
Then the sparkles of fire flies

The drivers stare
Afraid of the dark now
“Are these ghosts?”
“How do I know?”

They walk quickly
Breaks are over
Along the narrow path
The arrow shows

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