Tuesday, July 06, 2010

the lost way 18

fantasy-girlhidinginforest.jpg Lost In The Dark Woods image OctoberGirl77

Lost In The Dark Woods

“Did you hear that?!”
That the darkness makes
Makes the mind turning dreaming works
Works to get it right to live

Live in this dark forest
Forest we are banished to walk
Walk into the trap of our greed
Greed the fall for many

“So we better make a decision
Either left or we turn right?”
“We turn left
And let the future shine for us”

They walk for hours
Carrying their tiring bodies
Yet the future seems so far away
They don't know the time of day

They come across a stream
Streaming water clean as light of day
They stop to refresh themselves
They don't see the forest changing

By the time to want to go
The images have changed
They try to to look patterns
They don't find any

They are totally lost
In the darkness of the forest
The fire-flies flying around
Glittering night for a while

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