Saturday, July 03, 2010

the lost way 8

0110.jpg light image by lova_03

By lova_03

One such driver apologizes
On the heat he had done
Thinking back on his days
He knows he makes many

He never blames himself
He shifts to his subordinates
When the ruse is found
He makes his way sounding good

He knows there are people
Educated yet can't find the hidden goal
These people sing his virtue
The currying favours for returns

The little girl winks
“I know what you did
You can't admit telling it honestly
The way it is too many holes sinking in”

“You don't understand
I play games we always do
The politicians many masks to unveil”
“Yeah dishonesty will not buy you freedom”

The flame of fire
Glowing within his soul
Catching him burning his body
He cries begging for his life

He collapses on the ground
The other drivers stare at him
“What are you doing?
You have gone mad?”

“You don't see fire on me?
I feel the fire engulf my physical body”
“You are just dreaming
In the city we came”

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