Saturday, July 03, 2010

the lost way 9

sexual.jpg sexual image by shorty146_2006

By shorty146_2006

The drivers walk
Walk with aimlessly
Aimlessly of life
Life get spooked

“Is it in the city?”
City of our birth?”
“We have no idea
We thought we were

“You know something?
We have sinned big time
Look at what we did
Siphoned off wealth....”

“It's our rights
As leaders we have our benefits”
“We did in in our wrong ways
We told lies and direct tenders”

They walk pass bar parlours
The noisy music and voices of vice
They see a nude woman
Alone with a bottle of whisky

Then they think
They can be her
Sins of their making
Punishment on their greed

They stare at her
The nude woman just ignore
She has her problem.....
Of people like them

When they leave
She gets up and disappears
She hopes she conveys the message
Turn into a new leaf

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