Saturday, November 27, 2010

don't let AIDS take over the world 222

Don't let AIDS take over the world
World we live to share, love, commerce
Commerce of passion of religious fervor
Fervor for a world of honor and honesty

Yet we find ourselves running blocks
Along the journey we forget our roots
We lose sight of our bearings.........
We never reach our true potential

Many incurable diseases appear
Stalking the living taking away lives
Young or old it doesn't matter
The world waiting to take over

Don't let AIDS take over the world
The object of multiplying a curse to ourselves
The religious bodies seem to strongly object
The condoms in preventing pregnancy

The devil knows the loophole
Now the world know AIDS
Once you get it there is no cure
The wastage of life surely gone

So learn to prevent it
Don't listen to the religious doctrine
They forget the scripture “Love your neighbours”
Use condoms to stop the spread of AIDS

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