Saturday, November 06, 2010

the hawk


The hawk flies in the air
Living in the moment of his power
Circling over the small birds
Chasing and crushing them instead

The nature of the powerful
The backyard hooligans they close one eye
Within their own ranks they don't see
Birds of same feathers flock together

When the fish head is rotten
The tail can't move in tandem
Even breathing will find it difficult
What's more to see in open eyes?

Ameeno leaders want to protect Putrajaya
Amongst our own people marching there?
The 'jaguh kampong' rears its ugly head
In the world they can't fight alone

They live in fear
Of their own shadows
The recent buy elections
The alleged bribery and cohesion

Who live in 'culture of violence'?
We know where the faults lie
We don't have to say many words
Only this to show the way

Change the future
Don't be like Indonesia
Exporting women to earn hard currency
When oil was gone so were the good life

The culture of violence
The party leaders who live in fear
Of losing power and wealth
They know it will happen

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