Wednesday, November 17, 2010

the durian brains 218

Durian.jpg Durian image by mk200200


The brains and eyes go
Where there is money to be made
Lots of it by the way
And benefits for the entire families

Malaysians migrate
It is always education
Later money is good there
And dignity to serve

Of race colours
They don't see it that way
You can work; they will pay
For a job well done both ways

In Malaysia
They look at colours
The titles you hold
The lineage of kings or aristocracy

When I was robbed and knifed
In the cinema decades ago
The police officer said I was stupid
Instead of showing concerned to me

That mentality still stands today
So is the brain drain out of the country
The government wants to attract these people home
It is inwards house cleaning before opening doors

Currently we see
The government isn't even sincere
Wasting monies on cronies
About people is placing second place

As long as we don't see a change
Talented Malaysians will go abroad
Education and money for self and families
Nobody wants to work for peanuts....

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