Monday, November 22, 2010

a dream takes years to arrive

When the change never comes
The headaches will run the day
So much is expected to change our fortunes
In it the country's health and wealth

We may sing out loud
Crying for a change to make us free
The maturing of a nation and her people
We dare to make the sacrifices

When the change never comes
We may cry some may disappear
The disillusioned crowd
They may go underground

For the believe of a change
The road isn't as rosy as it would be
We are fighting with our votes
The initiation the move of a dream

A nation one people
Hold hands together for the new
On the world stage we shall show
How many races live as one nation

When the change never comes
We mustn't give up just like that
A dream takes years to make it
We should consolidate find new ways

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