Wednesday, March 09, 2011

debts of a life

The easy loans the debts increase
As the years depend on the economy
This is giving one party a boost
The others have to redeem in 30 years

Along the way these borrowers
They work hard to pay the loans
Believing the government has given them hope
Houses to shelter the sun and rain

Look at it
It is up to 100% loan
It's nothing new
The banks practicing it decades ago

Even Islamic banking do
What's so new of the packaging?
The government hasn't come up with new packaging
Recycling the old ones to the gullible people

The government should set up a public housing fund
Through EPF and its subsidiaries to help the members
Allowing members to buy houses with lower interest charged
With conditions they can't sell the houses within 10 years

The new scheme will be at the banks discretion
The first time house buyers will struggle.....
When the jobs are available and secured..
We can't predict the trend to the future

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