Friday, May 06, 2011

we must take our charge

You Take Charge

The fools we have become
Afraid to take changes
“I don't want to rock the boat” excuse
What happen to us then?

The crafted leaders exploit our weaknesses
Giving us the perfect gateway hiding in peace
For decades we were imbued with that false spin
Until the shell broke we found we had been conned

The wealth of the nation
Where it had gone all those decades ago?
Now we heard and read the corruption
Greed forcing many to find short cut to wealth

The false foundation we had been told
It was broken a few years ago
Yet there are people still going blind
Believing the slogan and the circle of spins

The cry under the ground
The souls who were gone
They got nothing but hell of fire
It never ends for the fools we were made

We must take our charge
The direction we want the country to go
We shouldn't be afraid of changes
Let the glory fall to every one of us

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