Thursday, August 28, 2014

why wait so long?

The rain fall
The tears seep from the stones
Dripping to the dry grass
Giving it a gift of life

The small patch of grass
Hidden beneath the stones
Slowly it springs into life
As green shoots sprouting high

Nature works her magic
She doesn't take days to finish
Once there is an opportunity
She uses it perfectly

But we can't say
Of a certain ruler of a State
The crisis seems to linger
Acting beyond the Constitution

The perception is wrong
Staying above politics he forgets
He seems to meddle in politics
When the Constitution forbids

Now the rain has fallen
Time for the harvest of the green
It can't be waiting for a call
The opportunity will be gone

The decision must be quick
It takes too long to make it happen
Once opportunity delays
The remembrance will not be forgotten

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