Monday, December 29, 2014

QZ8501 air asia

The dark morning sky
The commercial jet plane took flight
Raising steadily all engines booming fine
The gravity pull gone back to sleep a while

The commercial jet plane
Air Asia QZ8501 was on the air
Indonesia Controlled Tower kept in contact
Then at 6.17am the commercial plane out of radar scan

The fear on the ground
Another commercial jet plane downed
The transport ministry sprang into action
SAR took flight to search and rescue

Bad weather and choppy waves
The sea water wasn't kind
The commercial jet plane could be anywhere
Maybe it land on firmed ground

An SMS was received
Sparkled hope the plane was fine
It had been 24 hours
QZ8501 still clouded in secrecy

A bad year for Malaysian airlines industry
3 commerical jet planes lost from the sky
Even before we can dry up our memories
Air Asia QZ8501 lost from radar scan

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