Wednesday, January 04, 2017

the potholes

The potholes on the road
The workers arrived with the load
In the morning after their breakfast
3 council workers repairing the old pot holes

They aren't trained for the job
The potholes will appear with heavy rain
They don't mend all the potholes
They pretend they don't see it

This is one of the main roads
The heavy usage by the motorists
But the town council picks as it likes
Tarred road in the housing estates

Even when the road is in good condition
There is no reason for it to get a new coat
It is more like a political reason
So it seems to me looking in it

The old potholes are in the opposition area
This is the view why it stays in potholes
The council workers will not do a proper job
The pot holes will appear in a week or two

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