Thursday, February 08, 2018

the devil needs sinful souls

Who can blame the Devil?
He likes those who live in sins
They give him a life line of existence
On it he can boost his image

So this is how we all live
The sinful ways to achieve our dreams
We feed the Devil to conquer our weaknesses
In it we will fail in our attempts

Though many will say they are holy
They go to holy places to seek repentance
And yet when they come out of it
They will start to play the same games

The Devil always keeps a log
Once he has a line on you
There is a slim chance you could escape
He wants your soul to feed his image

You think you will go to paradise?
You have to walk in the valley of darkness
You have to feel what is fear and despair
When you are stripped naked to face the truth

The Devil will have his day
Before he will be punished like us
He knows it but do we in our lives?
We only pretend in our world of deception

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