Sunday, March 25, 2018

don't play with snakes

Don't play with snakes
There are evils in its eyes
Once you put your guard down
The poisons will sink in quickly

Once the snakes bite you
The fear of losing your life looms
You don't know how many minutes to stay alive
You don't know how to differentiate the harmless snakes

Do we all know about snakes?
The average Joe has no knowledge technically
Once Joe sees a snake crawling in the house
Kill the snake or run out of the house!

There is one snake we can feel its pulse
It is the two sided snakes of humans
These are the people who will poison minds
They want to gain advantage of wealth and power

These are the humans
Everyone should avoid them
They will bring the corrupted minds
The bad of shadows capturing souls

Don't play with snakes
They will shake up your life
Avoid the two sided snakes of humans
They will spread ill-will in our minds

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