Thursday, March 08, 2018

the sampah male cat

The sampah* male cat
The days of meowing whole day over
He comes to rest under the car outside
Any place nobody can disturb him

He still shows his pitiful face
When he can't find food for the day
Or dogs chasing him away
Leaving him in fearful scary mood

The sampah male cat
He is a thief in quiet mode
When food is left unattended
He will come and steal it away

When he walks to the back lane
Where they are other cats crowding around
He will want to fight with the male cats
Shouting so loudly to tell every one

No cats male or female likes him
He has become an outcast always walking alone
Even be a toy cat no female cat wants him
So he always has a pitiful face

When strangers walk near him
He will quickly bolt himself to disappear
Like a rocket soaring up in the sky
I am not going to be taken away!”

* this cat eats anything on the plate

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