Wednesday, October 16, 2019

race and religion stay out of politics

Race and religion
It never wants to end its role
The fearful politicians will say
Afraid they will become irrelevant

The old tactic has to go
It will never bring benefits to the nation
It doesn't bring food and joy to the table
Instead it brings unwanted fear

The Constitution writes out nicely
What more do these politicians talking?
Maybe they don't understand the Constitution
It was crafted and adopted by our founding fathers

For 3 scores in our lives and nation
The race and religion is talking point
Don't we have enough of it?
We are Malaysians for crying out loud!

We have to accept the fact
The country has many religions and cultures
We have many colours of race too
But we all Malaysians building this nation

Race and religion
Let it stay in the background
It will never bring economy to progress
It is a private affair let it stay out of politics

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